7 Powerful and Easy-to-Make Weed Killer Recipes



Pour white vinegar into the spray bottle.
Add the squeezed lemon juice.
Shake well to mix.
Spray the mixture directly on the weeds, preferably on a sunny day.
Repeat every 2 to 3 days if needed.
Recipe 3: White Vinegar and Salt

1 liter of water
2 tablespoons of salt
5 tablespoons of white vinegar

Boil the water in the saucepan.
Add salt and white vinegar to the boiling water and mix well.
Pour this solution directly onto gravel-covered areas.
Recipe 4: Baking Soda

Generously sprinkle baking soda on the weeds.
Allow the baking soda to work for 2 to 3 days.
Remove the dried weeds by hand or let them decompose naturally.
Recipe 5: White Vinegar, Salt, and Dishwashing Liquid

3 liters of white vinegar
100 grams of salt
Dishwashing liquid
Empty spray bottle

Put the salt in the spray bottle.
Fill the rest of the bottle with white vinegar.
Add a splash of dishwashing liquid.
Shake well and spray on the weeds.
Recipe 6: Potato Cooking Water

Save the water from cooking potatoes.
Spray the potato cooking water on the weeds.
For stubborn weeds, place a bottomless plastic bottle (with the cap on) over them.
Recipe 7: White Vinegar, Epsom Salt, and Dishwashing Liquid

4 liters of white vinegar
500 grams of Epsom salt
60 ml of dishwashing liquid
Garden sprayer

Pour the white vinegar into the garden sprayer.
Add the Epsom salt.
Add the dishwashing liquid.
Shake well to mix.
Spray directly on the weeds.
These natural weed killers are not only effective but also safe for the environment and your garden. Try them out and enjoy a weed-free green space!