9 Things You Should Never Plug Into a Power Strip
3. The washing machine
A washing machine consumes on average 1150 kWh per year. It is therefore a very energy-intensive appliance and therefore not recommended at all for a power strip.
Plugging the washing machine into a wall outlet prevents any risk of short-circuiting and overheating of the extension cord. The same goes for dryers, by the way. They consume far too much electricity to leave them plugged into a power strip.
4. Additional heating
Another very, very energy-intensive device is the space heater. I’m not saying you shouldn’t use it, but remember to plug it directly into a wall socket. Never into an extension cord, because this device overloads the power strip very quickly.
5. The microwave
Don’t think that this little metal box is not energy-intensive. A microwave can consume an average of 70 kWh per year. You see, that’s not nothing. So you should avoid plugging it into an extension cord.
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