Baking soda is the gardener’s nest friend. Here are 10 smart uses in the garden.


Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile domestic article with numerous uses. In addition to its cleaning and kitchen applications, it can be the gardener’s secret weapon to maintain a healthy garden. In this article, we’ll explore ten smart ways you can use baking soda in your garden.

1.Balancing of the soil pH.
Sodium bicarbonate can help regulate the pH levels of the soil. If the soil is too acidic (pH low), the addition of baking soda can help make it more neutral. However, it is essential to test the soil and determine the appropriate amount needed.

Creates a natural fungicide by mixing baking soda with water. This solution can help prevent fungal diseases like powdery mildew on your plants.

3.Repellent against parasites.
Dedust your plants with baking soda to discourage common garden pests such as aphiseds and ants. Acts as a delicate and ecological insect repellent.

4. Wel-barden.
To check the weeds in the driveway of your garden or among the stones of the lurel, sprinkle with baking soda. It will help to inhibit the growth of weeds and is more environmentally friendly than chemical herbicides.

5. Sweetener with the tomato.
Sprinkling a small amount of baking soda around the tomato plants can help them become sweeter and less acidic. This is a trick that many gardeners use to enhance the flavor of home-grown tomatoes.

6. Deodorant for compost.
If compost heap has an unpleasant odor, sprinkle a little baking soda to absorb the odor and maintain a more pleasant environment.
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