A Charger Plugged in Empty: A Real Risk!


1- Overheating and Fire:

The fire risks associated with using a charger without a connected device

When plugged into an outlet, the charger acquires a very high heat following the continuous absorption of electric current.

In both situations, whether it is connected to a device or plugged in empty, it always consumes energy, heats up and even becomes hot.

This accumulation of heat leads to a risk of fire, the consequences of which can be serious for the user and the situation is worsened especially by the use of poor quality devices.

To protect yourself, unplug your chargers immediately after the completion of the operation of the power supply. This ensures your safety and the maintenance of your electrical devices and equipment in good condition.

2- User Safety:
Inadequate insulation of the components of equipment that is not branded causes an electric shock. If it passes through the human body, it causes spasms and cardiac arrest which leads to the death of the individual.
3- Material Damage:

Material damage caused by using a charger without a connected device

Leaving your mobile or computer connected to the charger even though it has reached 100% charge also exposes it to damage that can ruin it and you will be forced to renew it.

Thus it contributes to shortening its lifespan and it is not guaranteed that you will find another original and better quality one.

Thus, you will replace it with a generic charger, bought at a low price and ends up deteriorating quickly, because its longevity is short.

Following multiple consecutive uses and for long hours, it becomes worn and no longer works.

4- Energy Consumption:

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