Cloud bread, or “Japanese cheesecake”


With the claires, we will make a French meringue: beat the claires until snowy and add the sugar in pieces. Continue until a firm and shiny meringue is formed.
The time for tension has come: to unite the two preparations. It is necessary that there remains a well-united mixture and at the same time we cannot lose the air of the meringue because we are cooked! To do this we must put aside the mixer rods, grab the spatula and integrate them very gently with immersive movements, always in the same direction. Air must be your best friend, do not hurt it and do not harm it that without it we are nothing.
Pour the mixture into a mold completely covered with aluminum foil and/or butter. Make sure it is well covered so that there is no water when you put it in the bain-marie.
Bring it to the bain-marie in a preheated oven at 165o for 25 minutes (set the timer!) then lower the oven to 140° and cook it for 55 minutes more. More or less, it depends on your stove. The Japanese cheesecake must be golden on top. It can take longer so be careful and patient.
Once it is there, turn off the oven, open the door a little and let it cool there. Do not take it out earlier so it does not deform. Patience is a gift of the saints say friends. And it is worth the wait, I promise you. Once cold we removed it and unmolded it