“Does anyone know what this might be?” “I found two stacks of these… in my daughters’ room.”


Let your mind wander to a scenario where you are enjoying a Facebook group dedicated to housekeeping and homemaking when suddenly, a post catches your eye. Two peculiar heaps of brown stuff emerged out of nowhere, and a home renter posted a picture of them. This dark material isn’t your average coffee grind; it has the texture of shells and the appearance of coffee grounds. Wow, this is so perplexing!

Inquisitive homeowners, what are your suggestions? Just as they had done, this homeowner reached out to the community for help. One hundred fifty thousand people reacted to the post, and over seven thousand people commented on it. Do you have any idea? It seems like everyone in the group chipped in to help figure out the solution and provide valuable suggestions.

Word on the street was that there was a wide range of suggestions. A deluge of possibilities and ideas seemed to be brewing. While some residents suspected ant infestation, others suspected mouse droppings. Termite droppings were also brought forward as a potential explanation. Imagine the homeowner’s surprise when they found out that pest treatment businesses were likewise in the dark. The specialists were perplexed, too!

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